Martin Michálek On Web UI Development. Get my e-book focusing on CSS3 and. How To Poison The Mobile User my first article for Smashing Magazine. In my first article for Smashing Magazine I teach how to poison the mobile user. Bootstrap 4 is coming, among oth.
Easy Redmine 2018, plugins, cloud, services and community. No1 Redmine platform trusted by 70. Most wanted Redmine features in one upgrade. Easy Redmine 2018 is a complete and extensible Redmine upgrade. Combination of new mobile design with most wanted plugins and features. Will make your project management more enjoyable, improve communication, user experience and save your time. It is further extensible with plugins for Resources, Agile, Finances, CRM, Help Desk and others.
A convenient Redmine theme list with screenshots and filtering. It contains themes that have been updated since 2013. Made with love for the Redmine community. A freshly designed, open and responsive Redmine and RedmineCRM plugins theme with a featured header blocks, tags and status badges. Abacus Office is a clean and work-effective Redmine theme with full mobile compatibility and styles for plugins such as CRM, Agile and more. The theme colour-codes each issu.